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APSARD 2016 Annual Meeting Preview Videos

APSARD Meeting Overview Jeffrey Newcorn, MD


ADHD in Adults over Age Fifty, David Goodman, MD

ADHD and Substance Abuse, Brooke Molina, PhD

ADHD and Bipolar Disorder in Children, Joseph Biederman, MD

Working Memory Deficits and ADHD, Joseph Biederman, MD

How ADHD grew up, Ronald Kessler, PhD

Mono Therapy v. Poly Pharmacy, Joe Blader, PhD

The State of APSARD, Anthony Rostain, MD

Group Visits for Families, Nerissa Bauer, MD

Physical Activity for Kids, Betsy Hoza, PhD

New ADHD Classification System? James Bjork, PhD

Animal Studies Speed Learning, Pradeep Bhide, PhD

ADHD and Genetics 1, Stephen Faraone, PhD

ADHD and Bipolar Disorder, Andrew Nierenberg, MD

Is There Late Onset of ADHD? Stephen Faraone, PhD

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