- Link between ADHD and Dementia
- The how and why of our article “Theophrastos’s Obtuse Man: the oldest phenomenological description of Neurodevelopmental Disorder in adult”
- Experience experts are becoming more and more important
- Delineating ADHD and bipolar disorder: A comparison of clinical profiles in adult women
- ADHD as a fluctuating condition
Snezana Mrvic ,
- Profile
- I have been working for the past four years psychological assessment of adults psychiatric patients. In addition to assining psychological tests, my job includes writing psychological findings as well as providing feedback to patients. Most of the patients that I have been working with are those with affective disorders and personality disorders. Team that I have been working with at clinical department has developed cinema therapy, as a regular therapy program, and I have been appointed to conduct film therapy. My areas of interest include, in addition to psychodiagnostics, psychotherapy and it is important to mention that I am in the third year of psychoanalytic psychotherapy education.
So far I don’t have much experience in ADHD, but I am very open and willing to gain knowledge in that area. - Work Address
- Clinical Department for Crisis Interventions and Affective Disorders, Institute of mental helath, Milana Kašanina 3, Belgrade 11000 Serbia
- snezana.mrvic@imh.org.rs
- Affiliation
- Clinical psychologist, Clinical Department for Crisis Interventions and Affective Disorders, Institute of mental health, Belgrade, Serbia.

- Country
- Serbia