- Link between ADHD and Dementia
- The how and why of our article “Theophrastos’s Obtuse Man: the oldest phenomenological description of Neurodevelopmental Disorder in adult”
- Experience experts are becoming more and more important
- Delineating ADHD and bipolar disorder: A comparison of clinical profiles in adult women
- ADHD as a fluctuating condition
Peter Oczella , MD.
- Profile
- I was graduated at the University of Szeged, and was a clinical psychiatrist and later a specialist/consultant at the Semmelweis University Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.
I was interested mainly on schizophrenia spectrum disorders, bipolar disorder and neurodegenerative disorders, then left the University to work in a „psychosomatic/policlinic” setting in Panorama Poliklinika Budapest, where i became interested in diagnostics and treatment of adult neurodivergent syndromes, mainly ADHD and Asperger-syndrome.
Besides the „polyclinic-multidiscipline” approach, i also became interested in the brain-gut communications and gut microbiota („gut connectome”), and the dietary, „metabolic” approach to mental disorders (mitochondrial and bioenergetic issues of neurons and networks), and began to work together with neuroradiologists, neurologists, gastroenterologists and diet professionals on revealing possible mechanisms and connections between the brain and the gut, working on personalised diet interventions (ketogenic diet, mediterran diet, mikrosupplements, pro/pre/post biotics etc), currently developing research for MRI investigations on brain connectome impairments and mitochondrial discfunction on mental disorders, with a special focus on ADHD and autism disorders. - Work Address
- Mind Brain-Gut Center, Budapest, 1034, Lövőház utca 39., I.em. (Lövőház street 39 1st Floor).
- dr.oczellapeter@gmail.com, kata.csereklyei@mind.hu
- Websites
- www.mind.hu
- www.biomteam.com

- Country
- Hungary