- Link between ADHD and Dementia
- The how and why of our article “Theophrastos’s Obtuse Man: the oldest phenomenological description of Neurodevelopmental Disorder in adult”
- Experience experts are becoming more and more important
- Delineating ADHD and bipolar disorder: A comparison of clinical profiles in adult women
- ADHD as a fluctuating condition
Nahit Motavalli Mukaddes , Professor (Prof.)
- Profile
- I am a child,adolescent and adult psychiatrist. My clinical and research are in autism spectrum disorders and ADHD.
- Work Address
- Istanbul Schoool of Medicine, Valikonagi cad Ece Ap No 106 D13, Istanbul, Turkey
- nmotavalli@yahoo.com
- Affiliation
- Istanbul Institute of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Websites
- http://.www.nahitmotavalli.com

- Country
- Turkey