- Link between ADHD and Dementia
- The how and why of our article “Theophrastos’s Obtuse Man: the oldest phenomenological description of Neurodevelopmental Disorder in adult”
- Experience experts are becoming more and more important
- Delineating ADHD and bipolar disorder: A comparison of clinical profiles in adult women
- ADHD as a fluctuating condition
Michael B. Lensing , PhD.
- Profile
- Michael B. Lensing is a menber of the European Network on Adult ADHD. He is born in Germany and educated as a special educational therapist with an MA in pedagogics.
In 2014 he received his PhD on a thesis entitled 'Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in adults - A study of treatment and outcome in different age-groups'.
He has been a member of the Norwegian Competence Teams for Adult ADHD, the expert group for establishing National guidelines on ADHD, and contributed to a translation of DIVA 2.0 (Diagnostic Interview for ADHD in adults) into Norwegian.
Lensing is a board member of SAC (Scandinavian ADHD Consortium).
He is currently working as a senior advisor and researcher at the Norwegian Centre of Expertise for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Hypersomnias Oslo University Hospital, Norway. - Work Address
- Oslo University Hospital; NevSom-Norwegian Centre of Expertise for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Hypersomnias
- miclen@ous-hf.no
- Affiliation
- Oslo University Hospital
NevSom-Norwegian Centre of Expertise for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Hypersomnias
Building 31A, 4th floor, Room 4008
Pb 4956 Nydalen
N-0424 Oslo
Norway - National conferences/ Trainings
- 12-14.10.2014 ADHD Congress Copenhagen Denmark (http://nistedbruun.dk/sac)
- Websites
- http://www.nistedbruun.dk/sac

- Country
- Norway