- Link between ADHD and Dementia
- The how and why of our article “Theophrastos’s Obtuse Man: the oldest phenomenological description of Neurodevelopmental Disorder in adult”
- Experience experts are becoming more and more important
- Delineating ADHD and bipolar disorder: A comparison of clinical profiles in adult women
- ADHD as a fluctuating condition
L.J. Irastorza , PhD.
- Profile
- I´m a psychiatrist that Works in MHC Arganda del Rey, Hospital Sureste, Madrid.
I treat adults and ADHD patients for more than 12 years. Also personality disorders and several disorders you can see at a MHC.
Also I have private consult, specialliy for legal psychiatric. Besides I am teacher of forense psychiatry at Complutense University Madrid, in Criminology Institute.
Comorbilidad de trastornos de personalidad y trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad en adultos
Luis Javier Irastorza Eguskiza, Jose M. Bellón, María Mora
10.1016/j.rpsm.2016.01.009, Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment 2018;11:151-5
- Irastorza LJ. Questions about Adult ADHD Patients: Dimensional Diagnosis, Emotion Dysregulation, Competences and Empathy. Acta Psychopathol. 2016, 2:5.
- Irastorza LJ, Bellon JM (2016) Adult ADHD Patients: Emotional Dysregulation and Personality Dimensions. J Neurol TranslNeurosci 4(3): 1071.
- Irastorza Egusquiza LJ and Bellon JM. “Adult ADHD Vs. Depressive Patients and their Parenting Competencies”. EC Psychologyand Psychiatry3.6 (2017): 228-246.
- Irastorza LJ, Bellon JM (2017) A Cross-Sectional Study Examining Motivation and Competence in Adult ADHD Patients. Ann PsychiatryMentHealth 5(6): 1118.
- Irastorza LJ, Bellon JM “Adult ADHD vs depressive patients and theirparentingcompetences “EC Psychology and Psychiatry 3,6 (2017):228-246.
- Irastorza LJ, Bellon JM. “Implicit and explicit motivation: theorethical approach and his implication in Attention -deficit/hyperactivity disorder and personality disorder patients” EC Psychology and Psychiatry 7.8 (2018)
- Irastorza LJ, Bellon JM. Differentiation between adult ADHD and bipolar disorders: clinical and personality dimensions. World Psychiatric Association International Congress, 18-22nov.2 016-Cape Town. D.O.I.10.13140/RG.2.2.22290.04809 - Work Address
- MHC Arganda del Rey, Hospital Sureste, Madrid
- ljirastorza@telefonica.net
- Affiliation
- MHC Arganda del Rey, Hospital Sureste, Madrid.

- Country
- Spain