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Andreas Chatzittofis , MD. PhD.
- Profile
- Dr. Chatzittofis graduated from the Medical School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2008 and completed his medical residency in Psychiatry in Sweden at the Karolinska University Hospital in 2014. He has been involved in psychiatry research since 2010 in the Department of Clinical Neuroscience of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and has obtained a Doctoral Degree in Psychiatry in 2016.
During 2017 he was a visiting lecturer in Psychiatry at the Medical School of the University of Cyprus and since 2018 he is appointed lecturer at the Medical School of the University of Cyprus. He continues as an affiliated researcher to the Umeå University in Sweden, Department of Clinical Sciences.
His research interests are the biological background of psychiatric illnesses, focusing on biomarkers including mood disorders, impulsivity, violence, suicide, childhood adversity and sexual disorders.
He is currently working at inpatient and outpatient psychiatric departments and as the liaison psychiatrist at Nicosia General hospital. He has recently started a research project regarding screening for ADHD in psychiatric patients as well as working clinically with adult ADHD patients.
He has other activities regarding ADHD such as an effort to raise awareness that ADHD is a lifelong condition through education of medical, psychology students as well as mental health professionals. - Work Address
- Medical School, University of Cyprus, Shacolas Educational Centre for Clinical Medicine Palaios dromos Lefkosias Lemesou No.215/6, 2029 Aglantzia, Nicosia, Cyprus
- chatzittofis.andreas@ucy.ac.cy
- Affiliation
- Medical School, University of Cyprus, Shacolas Educational Centre for Clinical Medicine
- Websites
- https://ucy.ac.cy/dir/el/component/comprofiler/userprofile/achatz03

- Country
- Cyprus